Wednesday, March 18

List of the Week

Masha, Deniz, and Kaytee's list of deal breakers for potential relationships

  1. Guys who talk about things they did with their exes - "these girls probably won't want their ex-boyfriends talking about them like that," said KT, "and I really don't want to hear about it."
  2. Guys who just keep talking about themselves and don't ask questions - "they don't actually honestly care about what you do," KT exclaimed. (She really got into this)
  3. Guys who don't open the door for you - can you guess which one of us suggested this one?
  4. Guys who swear too much, because they're usually just trying to sound cool
  5. Guys to talk crap about their friends. I actually didn't believe this one because I thought guy bonds were the strongest, but if this is true, you are messed up.
  6. Guys who eat messily
  7. Guys who are too conceited
  8. Guys who have a swagger walk - "Not thinking of anyone in particular," said KT while looking outside the yearbook room at a passerby, limping like a wangster ("or a chigga," adds Stephanie as I'm writing this post)
  9. Addendum to #8: Guys whose pants are ridiculously baggy
  10. Guys who frequently tease girls that they like (Masha doesn't mind this one)
  11. Guys who lie. Just no excuse.
  12. Guys who talk too much. ex: "Hey that reminds me of a time when..." each time you start a story
  13. Guys who show up late on dates - "It's OK if they're picking you up, but not when you're meeting them somewhere," KT clarifies.
  14. Guys who think 5-year-old jokes are funny (KT is okay with this one)
  15. Guys who treat you like you're 5 years old

List of things we like
  1. Guys who treat their sisters well. :)


Miss Red said...

hahaha YES!!
reading this i realize i sound really picky...the funniest part im actually really low maintenance. hah!

Deniz said...

ahhah this is awesome. i like how we only have one thing under the list of things we like. :-)

steff-o said...

i like when boys have sissy dogs too.