Sunday, February 22

Life's pleasures are illegal, immoral, and fattening

I recently bought a book that's called "11,002 things to be miserable about" from the humor section at Borders. It was apparently inspired by a bunnies-and-rainbows book called "14,000 Things to Be Happy About", a comprehensive list of life's small joys. While I find its dark opposite way more hilarious, I'm saving that list for tomorrow's List of the Week. As for tonight - in honor of my (rare) happy mood - here's a small insight on little things that make me happy.

Waking up to the smell of bagels and Philadelphia cream cheese
A good, make that awesome, hair day
A Milkyway bar
Making a real dinner and not burning it
Finding a song that is sing-alongable
Getting daisies
Driving without parents
Text messages
Cracking open a brand new book and burying my nose in it
SNL skits that are actually funny
Drooling over sexy British men
Really bad "that's what she said" jokes
Laughing at your terrible, terrible voice as you sing along to Ne-Yo's "Mad" but joining in anyway, when we're in my car gulping down Tapioca drinks and speeding down El Camino

Just to reiterate a point in an earlier post, don't leave those you love! You never know what kind of crap life will think up next and when you'll ever see them again. Honestly, this is a very rare mood for me, so I'm going to get this out there while I'm still on an emotional high:

Take too many bad pictures, laugh like you're a psychotic poodle, and throw yourself out there like you've never been hurt. Because every 60 seconds you spend angry or upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.


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