Monday, February 23

List of the Week

As stated in previous post, this is an excerpt from the book "11,002 things to be miserable about".
  1. Death
  2. Life
  3. Hitler
  4. Erectile dysfunction
  5. Blind dates with ugly people
  6. Monday mornings
  7. Broken condoms
  8. Dead puppies
  9. Models
  10. The orchestra that played as the Titanic went down
  11. Michael Jackson's sexual proclivities
  12. The Third World
  13. Driver's license photos
  14. Calculus
  15. Butt acne
  16. Gas station bathrooms
  17. Asparagus
  18. Having to hear about other people's babies
  19. Memoirs by people who are boring
  20. Memoirs by people who are more interesting than you
  21. The Hilton sisters
  22. Chlamydia
  23. Oedipus
  24. Men who pose for pictures with their cars
  25. Standardized tests
  26. The fall of Rome
  27. Children decapitated by roller coaster malfunctions
  28. Planned phone dates to catch up with friends
  29. Fat camp
  30. Armed rebels in Nigeria
  31. The Vietcong
  32. Bad kissers
  33. Dogs that lick you after drinking out of the toilet
  34. Morning sickness
  35. Forgotten children wandering the aisles of grocery stores
  36. Cell phone bills
  37. Insults prefaced by "No offense, but"
  38. Accidentally being touched somewhere inappropriate
  39. Being touched somewhere inappropriate on purpose
  40. Musicals about the Holocaust

This is definitely not the last time this book will make it onto the blog. The stuff's just too funny to pass up.

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