Wednesday, February 11

Bucket list

Couldn't sleep. Found this saved on my old laptop from at least 2 years ago:
Before I die, I want to max out all my credit cards. Before I die I want to stop someone on the street and ask them if they will have sex with me. Before I die I want to speed really fast down a highway at four in the morning singing at the top of my lungs. Before I die I want to flip off a movie star. Before I die, I want to be curbstomped by an elephant. But if I can't, I want to sit on a beach with a cigarette in one hand and yours in the other with your head on my shoulder watching the sunset. If that happened, I think I could die right there and it would be okay.

- Anonymous
I did a Google search, but couldn't find the source. I guess it doesn't matter that much - the fact that it's anonymous makes it more universal. What would you want to do before you die? I would want to get a tattoo, not something tasteless and overdone but weird and unconventional. I'd also want to witness a hurricane. I'd want to act in a movie, publish a book, work in retail for a day, meet an eskimo, star in a cop chase, and run naked through a busy business area. Yep, that's pretty much what I can come up with at 1 in the morning. Getting my license wouldn't be a bad idea either.

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