Saturday, February 28

Overthinking is bad with a capital B

I am so behind on posting funny interesting stuff that makes you guys laugh, I know.

Everything's moving so fast. Deadlines are coming up for everything - financial aid applications for college, yearbook, josten's design contest, the spanish newspaper, my Anna Karenina essay - I barely have time to sit down for a breather and think about making a To-Do list and realize that list will be so large and tedious that making it requires a slot of its own. Sometimes I completely forget to look at my National Singles Awesomeness month calendar for the daily theme. I'm behind on my favorite TV shows, haven't even started Othello (which we were supposed to finish reading for English by friday, I think), and I haven't had a Milky Way in over a week. A week!! But that's partly due to the insane amount of food the yearbook room has generously been feeding us with lately.

With everything so hectic, some things are being overlooked. Like, um, school. Somehow I managed to get a 97% on my spanish inclass essay - thank heavens for those naturally gifted brain lobes of mine - and a 90 on the psych Quest that I studied for in the 5 minutes after school meeting.

Other things are being looked at too much. There are two people who are not concretely defined in my life, and for the sake of order and sanity, I don't want to "go with the flow" and see where it leads me. So far, it has led me knee-deep into doodie. All I wanted was a friendship in each case; now I have to accept less than that from one and more from the other. What I really want is to prioritize better, like get a job. Which I am so in the process of (more on this soon).

I just want some balance!

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